Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us.
Merci beaucoup pour imprimer notre Dialogue 2020 à la suite des révisions de chacun !
It has been a real pleasure and privilege to work with you all these years to produce our EinyTimes and now Dialogues. I will never forget it!
A GRAND MERCI à toi et à tes équipes pour votre professionnalisme et ces moments de partages mis en mémoire pour le futur de The École !
Bien à toi,
Yves Rivaud
Founder & Head of School
Hello all, the video looks great, very pleased.

I’m glad you were able to add in some of the more emotional parts, and made the video more real. I plan to use this video when one of us is out presenting to an bank or other company trying to raise money for Achilles.
–Rebecca Lindenbaum
Board Member, Achilles International
Thanks everyone!! It all looks great!
Springboard Design
–Yves Rivaud, Directeur and Founder
Ecole Internationale de New York
“Thx Laura… one of the better articles and information that is flowing around in our industry these days… well done!!” –Stu
“Je voudrais très sincèrement vous remercier et vous exprimez ma grande satisfaction pour tous les efforts que vous avez personnellement déployé pour la réussite de notre première session internationale à New York.
Cette session a été préparée dans des conditions particulièrement difficiles où on courrait contre la montre. Cependant, malgré les multiples changements de calendrier et d’agenda, l’incertitude sur le nombre des participants, l’agenda du formateur qui du reste avait d’autres engagements, vous êtes restés à la hauteur de nos attentes. En ma qualité de Directeur Général du Cabinet CODEV, je vous dis mon entière satisfaction.”
Isaac Moussinga, President, CODEV Formation
“Misha thinks this video is great. It includes the sequences that he thought were the best examples. We will start sending it to coaches as early as this evening. Thank you so much.
Terrific service!
Again, thanks.”
Satisfied parent Nicolas Koechlin
“The brochure looks great, thank you. I also enjoyed very much collaborating with you on this project.”
Claire Maussion
CoWork Coordinator
French-American Chamber of Commerce
“Everything looks great!
We are very happy with the finished product.”
Alex Kutler
Associate, Events & Communications
French-American Chamber of Commerce
“Thank you for the directories, all looks perfect!”
Phyllis Rein
Executive Vice President
FFANY (Fashion Footwear Association of New York)
“Merci beaucoup for the great work that is paying back after your combined efforts and expertise! They look awesome and very professional.”
Yves Rivaud
Director & Founder
Ecole Internationale de New York
“I think this looks good! We have gotten some excellent feedback from attendees. I really believe that with our excellent communications and video we really sent a strong message about the Foundation.”
Annemarie van den Broeck
Deputy Managing Director
French-American Chamber of Commerce
“I thought the revised video was great. Thanks.”
Robert Pine
Special Projects
French-American Chamber of Commerce Foundation
“Merci beaucoup mon cher John. Tu as été super gentil et efficace…”
Paul Bensabat
Taste of France 2013
Co-President & CEO
Saveur Food Group“Merci John de ton travail et de ton implication dans l’événement. Il est bien agréable de pouvoir compter sur des partenaires de ta qualité.”
Sandrine Kukurudz
Citizen Events
“Mille mercis pour toute ton aide et ton soutien. Nous avons survécu… si ce n’était pour quelques magnifiques et généreuses bonnes volontés comme vous, ce qui a terminé en un succès éclatant aurait pu être un échec retentissant.”
Rod Kukurudz
Citizen Events
Anne Vandycke
National Academy Studio Art Intensive
“J’adore les 2 premières propositions…”
Véronique Chabrolle Dalla Favera
“The directory looks GREAT!!! Thank you!”
Phyllis Rein
Fashion Footwear Association of New York
“Thank you. This is our best annual report yet. We have worked with John for many years and his product is excellent. John provides conceptual assistance, design and production of our catalogues and reports, all through the printing phase, and does a superb job.”
Antoine Treuille
French-American Foundation
“This is phenomenal!!! … I’m thrilled with this piece! Superb! Incroyable! Splendide! This is better than I would have believed.”
Philip Berry
President / Author
Philip Berry Associates / Being Better Than You Believe
“Thanks once again for your work on the 2011 Yearbook which was well-appreciated and was a cornerstone of our celebration.”
Mark Harris
President and CEO
ELS Educational Services
“Everyone likes the website and has told me so.”
Barbara Dick
Executive Director
“This is turning out great. We really like it a lot.”
Shelley Berquist
VP, Operations & Marketing
Fashion Footwear Association of New York
“We did receive the copies. Thanks a lot. The report looks great!”
Thibault Chareton
Program Officer
French-American Foundation
“…Just received the proof of the next JISR for our review and approval. I hope you’ll be pleased with the updated look (more inviting, increased use of call outs to capture interest).”
John Nicholson
Director of Marketing and Communications
ELS Educational Services